Ms Vanessa Porte

How to learn a word list


To learn a list of words, we can also recite them aloud.

Nidale and Sihem

Some memorization techniques to learn vocabulary :

Listen to the recording as often as possible before evaluation.

To learn by heart, a complementary memorization method to the scriptural approach can be the acronym method.

This is a very useful process, especially for memorizing lists, references, names and arguments.

Write it down: Only if the spelling is correct (a misspelled word risks being memorized).
Then, you can learn your dictation words in different ways:
- Spell them out loud or have someone spell them for you and you write them down. The adult writes down the word that the pupil has to learn.
- Read the words several times and try to visualize them.
- Read them regularly during the week.

Nidale and Sihem Learning word list

Students look up all the words they know about the family.
These words are written on the board. The student writes the word. The pupil says the letters of the word
To learn a list of words easily, you need to
repeat the words with the words mué example (sometimes).

6 ways to learn a vocabulary list. Rehearse vocabulary words, write them out several times and imagine the illustration in your head.

memorization for learning and retaining vocabulary

The student writes the word on a sheet of paper.

The adult asks the student to look at the word and photograph it (as if his eyes were a camera).

Turn on a Dictaphone (or any other recording device/application)

Sihem and Nidale

The key is repetition