Mrs Yilmaz

synonyms and opposites

Nabil Z. and Jeannine A.


learn and recognize them

jeannine and nabil


Synonyms are words with similar meanings, i.e. they mean the same thing (or almost).

Synonymous words always have the same grammatical nature.

e.g.: A huge cloud can be seen in the sky = A gigantic cloud can be seen in the sky.

Synonyms for a word vary according to context

Ex: It's a big day; Anna is getting married - It's an important day.

Mathieu is Lilou's older brother. -He's older than she is.

jeannine and nabil


Antonyms are the opposite of synonyms.
Contrary words always have the same grammatical nature.

The opposite of some words is formed by adding prefixes. A word can have several meanings and a different opposite for each meaning.

Examples: Thesinger has a strong voice. ->The singer has a small voice.

Sophie is good at math. - Hugo is weak in mathematics.

jeannine and nabil