CM2, Ms Porte

Synonyms and Contrastscool

Johar and Thanina money-mouthinnocentembarassed

Synonyms are words with similar meanings. Synonymous words must be of the same kind (a noun is synonymous with a noun, an adjective is synonymous with an adjective...) - Antonyms (or opposites) are words with opposite meanings.

Synonyms/contradictions(10) Johar and Thanina

Synonyms are words with similar meanings. Synonymous words must be of the same kind (a noun is synonymous with a noun, an adjective is synonymous with an adjective, etc.).

- Antonyms (or opposites) are words with opposite meanings.

I) What is a synonym? What are synonyms? Definition of a synonym :

- Synonyms are words or expressions that have exactly the same meaning or an extremely close meaning.

For example, synonyms for "house" might be "a dwelling", "a shack" (colloquial), but also "a residence", a "pavilion".



Synonyms/contradictions(10) Johar and Thanina

A quick reminder: a synonym is a word whose meaning is similar to that of another. An antonym can be formed in different ways:

1) add a prefix: in-, im-, ir-, dé-, il-... It's easier to find antonyms for adjectives and adverbs than for small and large.

In opposition to something; contradictory, incompatible, antinomian. A word which, by its meaning, is directly opposed to another (opposed to synonymous).

Definition of a synonym: - Synonyms are words or expressions that have exactly the same meaning
or an extremely close meaning. For example, synonyms for "house" might be: "a dwelling", "a shack" (colloquial), but also "a residence", a "pavilion".

What are antonyms?
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another. Example: silent / talkative.

Synonyms/contradictions(10) Johar and Thanina
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