Vanessa Porte

The dangers of the Internet

Maissa & Noah



You have to be careful with your children when they go on the Internet. You need to know their code and pay attention to their name (pseudonym) on video games.

internetAnditsuse(16) Aghilesse and Nour

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a tool we use every day to communicate, but it remains a dangerous tool in the hands of young people who don't know how to use it properly.

How do Internet dangers arise?

First of all, you can be manipulated by fake news, the false information that circulates on the Internet and seems to be true!
You can also catch viruses, computer programs that are secretly installed on your computer - this is called piracy.
Or come across images or videos that make you feel uncomfortable and, in some cases, traumatize you.

What are the dangers of the Internet?

There are ill-intentioned people looking to steal your parents' money, but there are other dangers of the same type, such as pretending to be your friend by hacking into
his account and asking for his credit card number, which is something you should never do. There are also people you can meet on social networks or in multiplayer games, who give appointments to their "prey", but their methods are also very clever, as they'll try to find out your personal information and be able to gain your trust without losing it. If someone asks you out on a date, tell your parents or a trusted adult right away.

dangersInternet(15) Maissa and Noah

Why is the Internet dangerous?

you may come across images or videos you never wanted to see.
On social networks, ill-intentioned people may try to contact you by pretending to be your friends.

What is harassment on the Internet called?

This is known as cyberstalking. The remarks in question may be comments made by Internet users, videos,
image montages, messages on forums, etc. Online harassment is punishable, whether the exchanges are public (on a forum, for example)
or private (between friends on a social network).

How do I stop online harassment?

In the event of cyber-bullying, talk to an adult, especially your parents. You can also call 3018, a number managed by the association E-Enfance.
But if the story goes too far, you can talk to the police.
You can also install applications that protect your device from viruses for free, anti-virus, anti-spam ...

cyber_harassment(15) Maissa and Noah

You have to know your children's codes

Noah and Maissa

Jules Guesde School