How to learn a poem

Gwenaëlle V & Isaac S


Learn and remember

A few tips to help you learn your poetry at your fingertips.

howToLearnAPoesie(12) Gwenaëlle and Isaac

A few tips for learning your poetry:

- Observe the poem (rhymes, number of lines, number of stanzas...)
- Read the poem several times in your head or aloud.
- Understand it well: ask for help if necessary, use the dictionary...
- Copy the poem several times in its entirety, or only the lines that pose
- Delete or hide words as you go along, reciting it until
there are no more words.
- Read each line several times.
- Learn the poem several times: verse by verse or stanza by stanza.


- Repeat each verse 1 by 1, then put them together.
- Learn your poem like a song, to a tune you like, or in a very rhythmic way.
- When the poem forms a story, memorize the story so you can recite it more easily in the right order.
- Close your eyes to visualize your poem in your head.
- Have fun miming the poem.
- Draw one or more pictures to illustrate the ideas in the text.
- Practice reciting it in front of other people (your family) to avoid stress in front of the class.
- Don't wait until the day before to learn your poem: set aside a little time each day.

What is a stanza?
A group of verses forming a unit and arranged in such a way as to present a metrical correspondence with one or more similar groups.


What is a verse in poetry?
A collection of words, measured according to certain rules (cut, rhyme, etc.).


Il faut l’écrire et la lire plusieurs fois <3

Gwenaelle and ISAAC

Jules Guesde School